Configuring IPsec IKEv2 Remote Access VPN Clients on Windows


The ipsec-profile-wizard package on pfSense® Plus software generates a set of files which can automatically import VPN settings into Apple macOS and iOS (VPN > IPsec Export: Apple Profile) as well as Windows clients (VPN > IPsec Export: Windows).

This feature allows much greater flexibility in settings as it will configure clients to match what is set on the server specifically rather than making the server accommodate the default settings on various operating systems.

This package is exclusive to pfSense® Plus software and is not available on the community edition.

If the package is not already installed, add it using the Package Manager.

Windows 8 and newer easily support IKEv2 VPNs. Windows 7 supports them as well though the processes are slightly different. The procedure in this section was performed on Windows 10 20H2 but earlier versions are similar.

See also

The procedure to import certificates to Windows 7 can be found on the strongSwan Wiki

Import the CA to the Client (All EAP types)

This step is necessary for all EAP types (EAP-MSCHAPv2, EAP-RADIUS, EAP-TLS).

  • Export the CA Certificate from the pfSense® software GUI and download or copy it to the client PC:

    • Navigate to System > Certificates, Certificate Authorities tab on the firewall

    • Click fa-certificate by the CA to download only the certificate

  • Locate the downloaded file on the client PC (e.g. VPNCA.crt) as seen in Figure Downloaded CA Certificate


Downloaded CA Certificate


Certificate Properties


Certificate Import Wizard - Store Location


Certificate Import Wizard - Browse for the Store


Select Certificate Store


Completing the Certificate Import Wizard

  • Click Finish

  • Click OK

  • Click OK

Import the CA and Client Certificate to the Client (EAP-TLS Only)

This process is only required for EAP-TLS which uses per-user client certificates. For EAP-MSCHAPv2 or EAP-RADIUS, skip to the next section.

  • Export client certificate from the firewall and download it to the client PC

    • Navigate to System > Certificates, Certificates tab

    • fa-pencil to edit the user certificate

    • Enter an Export Password known to the end user which will encrypt the sensitive contents of the archive file

    • Click fa-archive Export PKCS#12 to download a .p12 file containing the client certificate and key

  • Locate the downloaded file on the client PC (e.g. client1.p12)

  • Double click client certificate .p12 file

  • Select Current User

  • Click Next

  • Click Yes at the UAC prompt if it appears

  • Confirm the proper file is selected

  • Click Next

  • Enter the same Password used when exporting the .p12 file

  • Click Next

  • Click Next

  • Click Finish

  • Click Yes to confirm adding the certificate data

  • Click OK

Setup the VPN Connection

Once the certificate has been properly imported it is time to create the client VPN connection. The exact steps will vary depending on the version of Windows being used by the client, but will be close to the following procedure which was perfo

  • Open Network & Internet Settings on the client PC

  • Click VPN on the left side

  • Click + Add a VPN connection

  • Set the fields as follows:

    Example values are shown in Figure Windows IKEv2 VPN Connection Setup Screen:

    VPN Provider:

    Windows (built-in)

    Connection Name:

    ExampleCo Mobile VPN

    Server Name or Address:


    This value must match the contents of the server certificate!

    VPN type:


    Type of sign-in info:

    User name and password for EAP-MSCHAPv2 or EAP-RADIUS

    Certificate for EAP-TLS

    Username, Password:

    Fill in values for this client when using EAP-MSCHAPv2 or EAP-RADIUS. Leave blank to be prompted by Windows.


    Windows IKEv2 VPN Connection Setup Screen

  • Click Save

The connection is now ready to use.


When making the first connection Windows may prompt to approve the server certificate. Check the certificate and then choose to proceed when prompted.

Disable EKU Check

Windows expects IKEv2 server certificates to contain the IKE intermediate extended key usage attribute (, among others. Creating a CA and a server certificate in the Certificate Manager will add the correct set of attributes for this usage (Certificate Settings).

If the server certificate is created with the wrong settings, or the certificate is generated elsewhere (e.g. via ACME), the certificate may lack these attributes and clients will fail to connect.

To accommodate such certificates, the Extended Key Usage check can be disabled on Windows.


Disabling this check also disables validation of the certificate common name and SAN fields, so it is potentially dangerous. Any certificate from the same CA could be used for the server when this is disabled, so proceed with caution.

To disable the extended key usage checks:

  • Open up Registry Editor on the Windows client

  • Navigate to the following location in the client registry:

  • Add a new DWORD entry with the following attributes:





  • Reboot the client PC to ensure the new setting is activated

Advanced Windows IPsec settings

With Windows 10 PowerShell cmdlets it is possible to change various advanced settings. The available commands are explained on the Microsoft PowerShell VpnClient module reference.


Enable split tunneling so that the client does not send all of its traffic across the VPN:

PS> Set-VPNconnection -name "ExampleCo Mobile VPN" -SplitTunneling $true

Add a VPN connection route to send a specific subnet through the VPN, use:

PS> Add-VpnConnectionRoute -ConnectionName "ExampleCo Mobile VPN" -DestinationPrefix

Replace ExampleCo Mobile VPN with the actual connection name, and replace with the desired destination network. Repeat the add command for each network to route over the VPN.

See also

For more information, see PowerShell VpnClient module reference