WireGuard VPN Client Configuration Example

This recipe explains how to setup WireGuard as a “client” to a remote VPN service through which Internet traffic will be routed.


Though WireGuard does not have a concept of “Client” and “Server” per se, in this style of deployment the firewall initiates connections to a remote peer but the peer never initiates back to the firewall. In this way, the firewall behaves like a “Client” and may be referred to as such in this document. The remote peer may also be referred to as “server”.

Required Information

The following basic information must be determined before starting the VPN configuration. This example information was obtained from a propular WireGuard VPN Provider.



Tunnel Addresses and fc00:bbbb:bbbb:bb01::5:8c20/128

Tunnel Private Key


Peer Public Key


Peer Endpoint

Peer Port


Peer WG Address

Same as tunnel addresses for /32 and /128 routes

Peer DNS Server

Allowed IPs and ::0/0


Start with configuring IPv4 connectivity first. Once IPv4 connectivity is established and working, then circle back and configure IPv6 connectivity if desired.

Some or all of these values must be obtained from the VPN provider or server administrator. Methods vary, but some may have a web-based portal which shows settings or generates a configuration file. Others may opt to send settings in a more secure manner.


In this role, the source of the keys can vary. Ideally, a private and public key set for this firewall should be generated by this firewall and the private key should never leave. The public key should be copied and submitted to the administrator of the server side so it can be used for this client.

Some providers insist on generating the keys themselves so they can preallocate addresses and other settings based on keys they already know. This also allows them to easily generate configurations for clients. It’s less secure this way, but more convenient.

Tunnel Configuration

First create the WireGuard tunnel.

  • Navigate to VPN > WireGuard > Tunnels

  • Click fa-plus Add Tunnel

  • Fill in the options using the information determined earlier:




    VPN Provider

    Listen Port:

    This does not likely matter unless the server requires a specific source port. In most cases it can be left blank or at the default 51820.

    Interface Keys:

    Enter the private key supplied by the provider ADRM6pyoYpofcDd0TkX4sb7UkR+Zj4AYeZOE2WWg2tI=.


    Click Generate to generate a new key pair if the provider accepts user-generated keys.

  • Click Save

Peer Configuration

The peer entry for the server can be added when editing the tunnel. To edit the tunnel:

  • Navigate to VPN > WireGuard > Tunnels

  • Locate the WireGuard tunnel for this VPN provider

  • Click fa-pencil at the end of the row for the tunnel

From the tunnel editing page, add a peer as follows:

  • Click fa-plus Add Peer

  • Fill in the options using the information determined earlier:




    The WireGuard tunnel for this VPN provider.


    The name of this server or VPN provider.

    Dynamnic Endpoint:



    The server hostname or IP address, in this example.

    Endpoint Port:

    The server WireGuard port, 51820 in this example.

    Public Key:

    The public key for the VPN provider endpoint, given by the VPN provider EPLh6pVel06dND8cE4Prix9GP4hGLYNhQhn5mSN2yzM=.

    Pre-Shared Key:

    Not used in this example, but for additional security this pre-shared key can be generated and copied to the peer. Must match on the client and server.

    Most VPN providers are not utiizling pre-shared keys at this time.

    Allowed IPs:

    List of networks to route to the remote side. Since this example will be sending all traffic through the VPN provider, enter and ::0/0.

  • Click Save Peer

Confirm Handshakes

At this point it is possible to confirm basic connectivity with the VPN provider.

  • Navigate to VPN > WireGuard > Status

  • Click Show Peers

  • Confirm peer connectivity and recent handshaking with the peer

Assign Interface

First, fix the default gateway so WireGuard isn’t automatically selected before it’s ready:

  • Navigate to System > Routing

  • Set Default Gateway IPv4 to a specific gateway (e.g. WANGW) or group

  • Set Default Gateway IPv6 in a similar manner if this VPN will also carry IPv6 traffic

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

Next, assign the interface (Assign a WireGuard Interface):

  • Navigate to Interfaces > Assignments

  • Select the appropriate tun_wg<number> interface in the Available network ports list

  • Click fa-plus Add to assign the interface as a new OPT interface (e.g. OPT1)

  • Navigate to the Interface configuration page, Interfaces > OPTx

  • Check Enable

  • Enter an appropriate Description which will become the interface name (e.g. WG_VPN)

  • Fill in the options using the information determined earlier:

    IPv4 Configuration Type:

    Static IPV4

    IPv6 Configuration Type:

    Static IPv6

    IPv4 Address:

    IPv4 Upstream Gateway:
    • Click Add a new gateway

    • Fill in the options:

      Gateway Name:


      Gateway IPv4:

    • Click fa-plus Add

    IPv6 Address:


    IPv6 Upstream Gateway:
    • Click Add a new gateway

    • Fill in the options:

      Gateway Name:


      Gateway IPv6:


    • Click fa-plus Add

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

Gateways and Groups

These gateways can be added to a gateway group for failover or load balancing of outbound traffic. This example assumes there are no existing groups. If there are groups already, the new gateway can be added to them like any other.

This example sets up a Gateway Group which prefers WireGuard and fails over to WAN. Traffic directed to this group will use WireGuard when it is up, and WAN when it is down. In practice this specific behavior may or may not be desirable, but can be used as a template for other scenarios.


This will only function properly if gateway monitoring is possible. For that to work, edit the WireGuard interface gateways and fill in a different Monitor IP address which responds to ICMP echo (ping) requests over the WireGuard tunnel.

To create a new group:

  • Navigate to System > Routing, Gateway Groups tab

  • Click fa-plus Add

  • Configure the group as follows:

    Group Name:


    Gateway Priority:

    Tier 1


    Tier 2


    Prefer VPN, fail to WAN

  • Repeat for IPv6 if required

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

Outbound NAT

By default the VPN will not have outbound NAT applied to its traffic. Most VPN providers will require this, so that all traffic appears to originate from the address of the VPN interface, and not LAN.

To setup outbound NAT for the VPN:

  • Navigate to Firewall > NAT, Outbound tab

  • Set Mode to Hybrid Outbound NAT

    This example assumes the firewall starts out on Automatic Outbound NAT. If the firewall is using Manual Outbound NAT, there is no need to change the mode.

  • Click Save

  • Click | fa-turn-up| Add to create a new outbound NAT rule at the top of the list

  • Configure the NAT rule as follows:


    The assigned WireGuard interface (e.g. WG_VPN)


    The LAN subnet of this firewall (e.g.


    A description of the rule, if desired: Outbound NAT for LAN to WireGuard VPN Provider

    Leave all remaining options at their default values

  • Repeat for IPv6 if required

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

Firewall Rules

This scenario should not require any firewall rules on the WAN or VPN interface. No connections will be made inbound on the WAN, only outbound. Traffic from the Internet will not be allowed back into the VPN interface.

Routing Traffic

Policy Routing

Rules can be added to local interfaces, such as LAN, for policy routing which utilize the gateway for the WireGuard interface.

For example, to policy route all traffic from a host on the LAN out through WireGuard:

  • Navigate to Firewall > Rules, LAN tab

  • Click fa-turn-up Add to create a new firewall rule at the top of the list so that it matches before other rules

  • Configure the firewall rule as follows:








    Set this to match the client whose outbound traffic will be routed across the VPN. For example:

    Address or Alias,






    Click Display Advanced to show this option.

    Leave all remaining options at their default values

  • Repeat for IPv6 if required

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

This concept can be adapted for a number of different scenarios. For example, match all LAN traffic and send it across the VPN, or match traffic and use a gateway group to prefer the VPN, etc.

Static Routing

Specific networks can be routed across the VPN by adding a static route for the network(s) under System > Routing on the Static Routes tab.

Default Gateway

This is an optional step that some users may want to perform if they want all traffic from the firewall to cross the VPN, not only LAN client traffic.

Policy routing is the most flexible way to direct traffic over this type of connection, but it does not influence traffic from the firewall itself. To send traffic from the firewall across the VPN to Internet destinations, the VPN must be set as the default gateway.

To avoid a chicken-and-egg problem, a manual static route is required for the VPN provider peer endpoint address:

  • Navigate to System > Routing, Static Routes tab

  • Click fa-plus Add

  • Configure the routes as follows:

    Destination network:

    The VPN provider peer endpoint IP address. For this example, Use a CIDR mask of 32 (or 128 if the peer endpoint is an IPv6 address.)


    WANGW so that traffic for this endpoint is routed over WAN


    Route to VPN provider endpoint

  • Click Save

With the peer route in place, now set the default gateway:

  • Navigate to System > Routing, Gateways tab

  • Set Default Gateway IPv4 to WG_VPN_V4, or a gateway group which includes that gateway, such as the previously created Prefer_WireGuard.

  • Set Default Gateway IPv6 in a similar manner if the VPN also carries IPv6 traffic.

  • Repeat for IPv6 if required

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

At this point, all traffic that doesn’t match entries in the routing table will be sent across the VPN.

DNS Configuration

DNS privacy is also important, and there are a few factors to consider. For this example, DNS requests will be sent to a DNS server at the VPN peer, but without TLS.

See also

Options such as DNS over TLS are covered elsewhere, but can help as well.

First, set the VPN provider DNS server:

  • Navigate to System > General

  • Remove any DNS servers present in the list under DNS Server Settings

  • Set a DNS Server entry as follows:


    The address of the DNS server at the peer, in this example,

    DNS Hostname:

    If this server supports DNS over TLS, enter its hostname here. Otherwise, leave it blank.


    Select the VPN gateway, WG_VPN_V4.

  • Uncheck DNS Server Override to prevent this firewall from using DNS servers from dynamic WANs.

  • Set DNS Resolution Behavior based on the requirements of this environment:


    This can help prevent DNS requests from leaking to other servers not using the VPN, but it can cause a chicken-end-egg scenario where DNS requests will fail unless the VPN is working. Ensure that DNS is not required to establish the VPN.

    Use local DNS, fall back to remote DNS Servers:

    Use this option when using the DNS Resolver in forwarding mode and when the DNS server does not need DNS over TLS. This is the best fit for this example.

    Use local DNS, ignore remote DNS Servers:

    Use this option when using DNS over TLS with the DNS Resolver in forwarding mode. This ensures that no DNS query will be sent without TLS.

    Use remote DNS Servers, ignore local DNS:

    Use this option if the firewall itself shouldn’t use the DNS Resolver, but communicate directly with the DNS server without TLS.

Next, configure the DNS Resolver for Forwarding mode:

  • Navigate to Services > DNS Resolver

  • Uncheck Enable DNSSEC Support

  • Check Enable Forwarding Mode

  • Repeat for IPv6 if required

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes


If there are any Custom Options in the DNS Resolver, it is possible that switching to forwarding mode will change the context of the options. Add server: to the beginning of the Custom Options box content, above any existing options. If the Custom Options box is empty, it can remain empty.

Finish Up

The configuration is now complete! Depending on which sections were followed, the firewall should be able to at least communicate with the remote peer, networks, and clients should be able to pass traffic through the VPN provider out to the Internet.

Make any final adjustments or additional configurations as needed.