
Items under the Diagnostics menu perform various diagnostic and administrative tasks.

ARP Table:

Displays a list of devices as seen locally by the firewall. The list includes an IP address, MAC address, Hostname, the Interface where the device was seen, and other related information.

See ARP Table.


Tests authentication to a defined RADIUS or LDAP server.

See Troubleshooting Authentication.

Backup & Restore:

Backup and restore configuration files.

See Backup and Recovery.

Command Prompt:

Execute shell commands or PHP code, and upload/download files to/from the firewall.


Use with caution

See Command Prompt.

DNS Lookup:

Executes a DNS lookup to resolve hostnames for diagnostic purposes, and to test connectivity to DNS servers.

See DNS Lookup.

Edit File:

Edit a file on the firewall filesystem.

See Editing Files on the Firewall.

Factory defaults:

Resets the configuration back to default. Be aware, however, that this does not alter the filesystem or uninstall package files; it only changes configuration settings.

See Resetting to Factory Defaults.

GEOM Mirrors:

If the firewall contains a GEOM disk mirror, this page shows the status of the mirror and provides controls for managing the mirror.

Halt system:

Shuts down the firewall and turns off the power where possible.

See Halting and Powering Off the Firewall.

Limiter Info:

Shows the status of any Limiters and the traffic flowing inside them.

See Checking Limiter Usage.

NDP Table:

Shows a list of local IPv6 devices as seen by the firewall. The list includes an IPv6 address, MAC address, hostname (if known to the firewall), and the interface.

See NDP Table.

Packet Capture:

Perform a packet capture to inspect traffic, and then view or download the results.

See Packet Capture GUI.


Displays statistics about the packet filter, including general traffic rates, connection rates, state table info, and various other counters.

See pfInfo.


Displays a list of the top active connections by a selectable metric such as bytes, rate, age, etc.

See pfTop.


Sends ICMP echo requests to a given IP address, sent via a chosen interface.

See Ping Host.


Reboots the firewall. This can take several minute to complete, depending on the hardware and enabled features.

See Rebooting the Firewall.


Shows the contents of the routing table.

See Route Table Contents.

SMART Status:

Displays diagnostic information about disk drives, if supported by the hardware. Can also run drive tests.

See S.M.A.R.T. Hard Disk Status.


Displays a list of processes on the firewall that are bound to network ports, listening for connections or making connections outbound from the firewall itself.

See Viewing Active Network Sockets.


Shows the currently active firewall states.

See Viewing Firewall States in the GUI.

States Summary:

Displays information about the state table, to see activity summarized by IP address.

See Firewall States Summary.

System Activity:

Shows memory usage and a list of active processes and system threads on the firewall, the output is from top -aSH .

See System Activity (Top).


Displays and edits the contents of various firewall tables and aliases.

See Firewall Table Contents.

Test Port:

Performs a simple TCP connection test from the firewall to determine if a remote host is accepting connections on a specified port.

See Testing a TCP Port.


Trace the route taken by packets between this firewall and a remote system.

See Traceroute.