Configuring the Switch Ports

See also

For an overview of how the switch ports operate and their capabilities, see Switch Ports Overview.

Switch Section

In the pfSense® Plus software GUI, there is a menu option Switches under the Interfaces drop-down. This section contains switch specific configuration options.


Selecting Switches from the drop-down will bring up the Switch page with four sections:



Information on the Marvell 6000 switch



Information on members of the switch LAG


Information on switchport status and port names. If 802.1q is enabled, this section can also set the native VLAN ID for each port. The switch uses the Port VID as the VLAN ID for inbound untagged traffic on a given port.


802.1q enabled (default)


Port VLAN Mode


Enable/Disable 802.1q VLAN mode. Configure VLAN access/trunk interfaces with 802.1q or configure port groups with Port VLAN Mode.


802.1q enabled (default)


Port VLAN Mode

Interfaces Section

There are also relevant configuration items under Interfaces > Assignments.

Interface Assignments

Under Interface Assignments, notice LAGG0 (UPLINK) is displayed as an available port but is not enabled in the list of interfaces. This is because the default configuration is only expecting VLAN tagged traffic so the VLAN child interfaces 4090 and 4091 are enabled instead.



Under VLANs, the list contains the default WAN and LAN VLAN entries. Additional VLAN networks that used by the switch should be defined here with lagg0 as the parent interface.

Any additional VLAN interface added to the switch should also be added, enabled, and configured under Interface Assignments. New interfaces also require firewall rules.



Under LAGGs, the list contains the default lagg0 containing ix2 and ix3.


Do not modify the lagg0 interface.


Switch Configuration Examples

Dedicated LAN switch

In this scenario, SFP+ port ix0 will be configured as the WAN interface and ETH1-8 will be configured as a LAN switch.

This example performs the WAN interface reassignment using the console. The WAN assignment can be changed using the GUI.

This is what the default interface assignments look like on a Netgate 7100 DT:


In this example, ix0 is the WAN, so select option 1 to re-assign WAN from lagg0.4090 to ix0:


No additional VLANs are needed for this, so enter n to continue.

Input ix0 as the new WAN interface name:


Input the same default LAN interface of lagg0.4091 for the LAN interface name and press Enter to complete the interface reassignment:


The interface assignments should show like this now:


At this point SFP+ port ix0 is now configured as the WAN interface. The LAN interface is still configured the same as the default. Next, the switch will need to be updated so that ETH1 (previously WAN) acts the same as ETH2-8. This will be done from the GUI.

From the GUI, navigate to the Switch VLAN configuration under Interfaces > Switches, VLANs tab:


VLAN 4090 is no longer needed since WAN is now dedicated to ix0. Either select fa-trash-can on the row containing 4090 to delete this entry, or click fa-pencil to remove port 1 as a member:


This example removed VLAN 4090 from the switch with fa-trash-can.

Now edit the VLAN 4091 entry to include Member 1 as shown below:


Next, update the Port VID for ETH1 so that it uses VLAN 4091 rather than the previous VLAN 4090. To do this, click on the Ports tab then click on the 4090 Port VID to modify it:


Then click on Save:


At this point, everything should be configured properly. ETH1-8 will act as a single LAN switch. One final step that should be performed is to remove the now unnecessary VLAN 4090 from pfSense® Plus software. So far VLAN 4090 was only removed from the switch. To remove the unused VLAN, navigate to Interfaces > Assignments, VLANs tab and use fa-trash-can on the 4090 row to remove the VLAN:


Two LAN switches

In this scenario, the LAN switch from the previous example will be split into two LAN switches.

Create a new LAN network in pfSense® Plus software first. Similar to the existing LAN interface, use a separate VLAN interface so the switch can segment traffic appropriately.

Create a new VLAN with lagg0 as the parent under Interfaces > Assignments, VLANs tab:


Once the VLAN has been created, it should look something like this:


Add, enable, and configure the VLAN interface under Interfaces Assignments:

../_images/xg-7100-1u-switch_27.png ../_images/xg-7100-1u-switch_28.png

Also create any necessary firewall rules under Firewall > Rules.

Now that pfSense® Plus software knows of this new VLAN network, configure the switch so that ETH1-4 all use the new network. To do this, go to Interfaces > Switches, VLANs tab and click the Add Tag button. Input the VLAN tag for the new network (same as the VLAN ID configured in the previous steps) and add ETH1-4 and PORT9-10 (uplinks) as members. Be sure 9 and 10 are marked as tagged:


Once this is done, delete the untagged members 1,2,3,4 from VLAN group 2 and click the Save button. The final result should look like this:


Lastly, update the Port VID values to use the new 4081 VLAN rather than 4091 on ETH1-4 and click Save:


Now ETH1-4 act as a switch for the VLAN 4081 LAN and ETH5-8 act as a switch for the VLAN 4091 LAN.

Trunking VLAN tagged traffic

Expanding on the previous example, assume there is a management VLAN of 4000 where devices are already tagged on this VLAN prior to reaching the device. Hosts on this VLAN may come through on ETH8 but there may also be untagged client traffic.

First, create the management VLAN of 4000 in pfSense® Plus software using the same steps in the previous example (up to the switch configuration part). Next, add the VLAN to the switch under Interfaces > Switches, VLANs tab. ETH8 and PORT9-10 should be added as members and all three will be marked as tagged:


Once it’s added, the final result should look like this:


Untagged traffic on ETH8 will be assigned a VLAN ID of 4091. ETH8 and the uplinks will also accept traffic that has already been tagged with a VLAN ID of 4000 as well.