Reporting Issues with pfSense Software

This page serves as a guide for providing legitimate bug reports with pfSense® software. Most of the bug reports from outside users are not bugs at all, but incorrect configurations. Often user reports do not contain nearly enough information for a developer to replicate the problem. If a bug report does not contain the appropriate information to verify a legitimate bug, developers have no choice but to reject the report.


The pfSense Redmine site is not a discussion platform and is never to be used for support requests.

The first step is typically to ask about the problem using one of the available support resources, such as the Netgate Forum. An issue report can be opened If a specific bug is found that can be reproduced by developers.

An example of an invalid bug report is XYZ doesn't work! without appropriate accompanying detail. An alternative, to make that a legitimate bug report, is:

  Feature XYZ generates an invalid configuration for option A on

  The underlying @xyz.conf@ has @option1=1@ where it should be @option1=5@
  when option A is checked on @thispage.php@ in the web interface.

Where to submit

For anything that is not a confirmed, specific, detailed bug report, post to the Netgate Forum first. The forum is a platform where the problem can be discussed and the specifics required to replicate the issue can be identified.

After discussion and confirmation of a specific, legitimate bug report on the Netgate Forum, please open a ticket in the pfSense Redmine, including a link back to the discussion in question.


The pfSense Redmine site is not a discussion platform and is never to be used for support requests.

What to Include

When submitting a bug report to the pfSense Redmine site, fill out the report completely and include enough supporting information to reproduce the issue.

Use the following guidelines when completing the issue report.

File issues with the base system under pfSense and issues with packages under pfSense Packages.


Not all fields will be available to all users.


Use the appropriate issue tracker type, following these guidelines:


Problems, unexpected behavior, crashes, or when the other categories do not apply.


A function that worked previously but failed during development or when upgrading to a more recent release.


Feature requests or changes in (working) behavior.


Tasks or work that need to be completed that are not specifically bugs or features.


A brief but complete and accurate description of the problem. If the problem is specific to one page or file, prefix the subject with that page filename.


Save and Force Update button does not perform any action on ``services_rfc2136_edit.php``

A full description of the problem. Include any relevant detail, supporting evidence such as log entries, and if possible a complete recount of how to reproduce the bug that includes every necessary step.


Information in this issue tracker is public! Do not include any personal information such as usernames, passwords, private certificates, keys, e-mail addresses, IP addresses, and so on. In the rare case when such information is helpful in diagnosing a problem, it can be transmitted privately.

  • Please use appropriate formatting, such as <pre> tags around log data or command output. Attach lengthy output in a text file rather than including it inline in the description.

  • Attach files with supporting information, such as logs or crash dumps, if relevant. Check for personal data before attaching files and obfuscate/mask info as needed.


Leave this as New.


Leave this as Normal or set lower for minor issues.


Higher priorities must only be set by developers when appropriate.


Leave this empty unless directed by a developer to assign it to them directly.


Pick the closest relevant category for the issue, if possible, or a generic category such as “Web Interface” for GUI issues and “Operating System” for OS issues.

Target Version/Plus Target Version:

Leave this empty unless directed by a developer to assign a specific target.


Developers will assign a target version after evaluating the issue.

Affected Version:

Pick the version number of the firewall experiencing the issue.

Affected Architecture:

Pick All unless the issue is known to only affect a single architecture.

Leave other fields blank, such as Parent Task, Start/End Date, and so on.