Step 7: SNMP Monitoring¶
SNMP is used to monitor the remote office from an external location.
Configure SNMP Server¶
Configure and enable the SNMP server on TNSR, as shown in the example below:
snmp community community-name P1zzaGuy source security-name tnsrsnmp
snmp group group-name ROGroup security-name tnsrsnmp security-model v2c
snmp view view-name systemview view-type included oid .1
snmp access group-name ROGroup prefix exact model any level noauth read systemview write none
snmp host enable
Permit SNMP Polling with WAN Filter Rule¶
To permit access to the SNMP server from the WAN, create a WAN filter rule:
vpf filter ruleset WAN-filter
rule 110
description Permit SNMP from Corp
direction in
protocol tcp
from ipv4-prefix
to ifaddrs WAN
to port 161