Monitoring Interfaces

Each interface has associated counters and other state data which enable monitoring of traffic volume and errors, among other properties.


To limit administrative overhead, the dataplane updates these counters every 10 seconds.

Interface Status

The show interface command prints important traffic volume and error counters specific to each interface. For example:

tnsr# show interface

Interface: TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0
    Admin status: up
    Link up, link-speed 10 Gbps, full duplex
    Link MTU: 1500 bytes
    MAC address: 90:ec:77:47:5e:59
    VRF: default
    IPv4 addresses:
    IPv6 addresses:
      Five minute input rate 8864 bits/sec, 18 packets/sec
      Five minute output rate 8864 bits/sec, 18 packets/sec
      received: 1839300 bytes, 30655 packets, 0 errors
      transmitted: 1838922 bytes, 30661 packets, 0 errors
      protocols: 30601 IPv4, 0 IPv6
      53 drops, 0 punts, 0 rx miss, 0 rx no buffer

The show interface command also supports keywords which filter its output or provide additional detail. Most of these commands can run on all interfaces at once, which provides a summary of certain properties of all interfaces, or they can be limited to a single interface for brevity.


Prints the access control lists configured on an interface


Prints a summarized list of interfaces, their status, and IP addresses.

counters [verbose]:

Prints the interface traffic counters for an interface.

This includes the number of packets, bytes, and errors transmitted and received by the interface as well as a breakdown of protocols and notable packet outcomes such as drops. This also prints the average traffic input and output rates over the last five minutes.

The verbose keyword displays detailed counter statistics for the interface if they are active.

counters rolling [interval <sec>]:

Enters a special mode to follow rolling counter data for a single interface in a continual fashion. New data is printed periodically as determined by the given interval which defaults to 10 seconds. Data rates are calculated based on the difference between the previous and current entries.

This is useful for near-real-time monitoring of interface activity.

To exit this mode, press the key combination Ctrl-C.

ip [nat]:

Prints the IPv4 addresses present on the interface and the IPv4 route table used by the interface.


Prints the NAT role for an interface (e.g. inside or outside)

ipv6 [router-advertisements]:

Prints the IPv6 addresses present on the interface and the IPv6 route table used by the interface.


Prints the current IPv6 router advertisement configuration and status, including associated timers and counters.


Prints the link status (e.g. up or down), media type and duplex, and MTU


Prints the hardware MAC address, if present


Prints VLAN subinterface attributes for an interface.

vlan tag-rewrite:

Shows VLAN tag rewriting attributes for an interface.

[(ip|ipv6)] vrrp-virtual-router:

Prints the VRRP status. Can optionally be limited to either IPv4 or IPv6.

For output types which support the entire list of interfaces, omit the interface name from the command, for example:

tnsr# show interface ip

The filtering may also be applied to a single interface:

tnsr# show interface TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0 link

Brief Interface Summary

The show interface brief command prints a summarized list of interfaces, their status, and IP addresses:

tnsr# show interface brief
Interface    Admin Status    Link Status     Address
DMZ          down            down            no addresses assigned
GUEST        up              down  
LAN          up              up    
LAN          up              up              2001:db8:f0::1/64
LAN          up              up              fe80::290:bff:fe7a:8a65/64
WAN          up              up    
WAN          up              up              2001:db8:0:2::2/64
WAN          up              up              fe80::290:bff:fe7a:8a67/64

When run with an interface name, the output is limited to addresses on the given interface:

tnsr# show interface WAN brief
Interface    Admin Status    Link Status     Address
WAN          up              up    
WAN          up              up              2001:db8:0:2::2/64
WAN          up              up              fe80::290:bff:fe7a:8a67/64

View Interface Counters

The show interface [<if-name>] counters [verbose] command displays detailed information on all available interface counters.

Example output:

tnsr(config)# show interface TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0 counters
Interface: TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0
      received: 9253580 bytes, 61588 packets, 0 errors
      transmitted: 628148 bytes, 5755 packets, 8 errors
      protocols: 12810 IPv4, 5101 IPv6
      50972 drops, 0 punts, 0 rx miss, 0 rx no buffer

Additional detailed packet counters for transmit and receive of unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic may be enabled or disabled on a per-interface basis (Interface Configuration Options). Add the verbose keyword to display these statistics:

tnsr(config)# show interface TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0 counters verbose
Interface: TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0
    detailed counters:
      received: 9258555 bytes, 61641 packets, 0 errors
      received unicast: 2464 bytes, 18 packets
      received multicast: 2464 bytes, 18 packets
      received broadcast: 622 bytes, 8 packets
      transmitted: 628676 bytes, 5761 packets, 8 errors
      transmitted unicast: 2480 bytes, 18 packets
      transmitted multicast: 2480 bytes, 18 packets
      transmitted broadcast: 0 bytes, 0 packets
      protocols: 12820 IPv4, 5105 IPv6
      51016 drops, 0 punts, 0 rx miss, 0 rx no buffer

Counter values take a minimum of 10 seconds to be populated with valid data.

Rolling Interface Counters

The show interface <if-name> counters rolling  [interval <sec>] command enters a special mode which displays rolling counter data for a single interface.

The command does not immediately terminate, but runs in a loop to print new data periodically as determined by the given interval which defaults to 10 seconds.


To exit this mode, press the key combination Ctrl-C.

tnsr# show interface TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0 counters rolling
Interface:  TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0
RX: bytes  packets  avg bits/sec  errors  TX: bytes  packets  avg bits/sec  errors
29438      175      661           0       14830      149      792           1
447565     657      334501        0       73192      434      46689         1
603547     999      124785        0       126329     721      42509         1
15239110   12132    11708450      0       864320     2760     590392        1
15633162   12609    315241        0       899051     3001     27784         1
16262265   13276    503282        0       961828     3352     50221         1
21244287   17149    3985617       0       1187342    4402     180411        1
24290538   19489    2437000       0       1221964    4672     27697         1
26452934   21297    1729916       0       1272297    4976     40266         1
26475552   21460    18094         0       1291149    5121     15081         1
26491299   21609    12597         0       1313105    5257     17564         1
26535233   21892    35147         0       1360692    5554     38069         1
26592117   22169    45507         0       1399949    5794     31405         1


This example output has extra whitespace removed for brevity. The actual output is around 160 characters wide so that large counter values do not affect the output formatting if they increase rapidly while this command is running.

The output line wraps on narrower terminal windows, so widen terminal windows appropriately to view the output without wrapping.

Clear Interface Counters

The interface clear counters <name> command clears all counters on a given interface. This command is available in config mode. If no specific interface is given, all interfaces will have their counters cleared:

tnsr# configure
tnsr(config)# interface clear counters
Counters cleared

View Packet Counters

The show packet-counters command prints packet statistics and error counters taken from the dataplane. These counters show the number of packets which have passed through various aspects of processing, such as encryption, along with various types of packet send/receive errors. The set of counters displayed will vary depending on the set of enabled features, such as NAT, IPsec, and so on.

Example output:

tnsr# show packet-counters
   Count                    Node                  Reason
       624            dpdk-crypto-input           Crypto ops dequeued
       624          dpdk-esp-decrypt-post         ESP post pkts
       624            dpdk-esp-decrypt            ESP pkts received
       622               esp-encrypt              ESP pkts received
       624             ipsec-if-input             good packets received
       304                ip4-input               Multicast RPF check failed
         9                 ip4-arp                ARP requests sent
        22               lldp-input               lldp packets received on disabled interfaces
         8             ethernet-input             no error
         2             ethernet-input             unknown ethernet type
      5821             ethernet-input             unknown vlan
        16                arp-input               ARP request IP4 source address learned
        28      GigabitEthernet0/14/0-output      interface is down
         8       GigabitEthernet3/0/0-output      interface is down

Interface Status via API

If the RESTCONF API is enabled, the interface counter data may also be polled that way. For example:


$ curl --cert ~/tnsr/tnsr-myuser.crt \
  --key ~/tnsr/tnsr-myuser.key \
  --cacert ~/tnsr/tnsr-selfca.crt \
  -X GET \


   "netgate-interface:counters": {
      "collect-time": "1719585196",
      "reset-time": "0",
      "detailed-counters": true,
      "rx-bytes": "10381020",
      "rx-packets": "173017",
      "rx-unicast-bytes": "780",
      "rx-unicast-packets": "13",
      "rx-multicast-bytes": "0",
      "rx-multicast-packets": "0",
      "rx-broadcast-bytes": "0",
      "rx-broadcast-packets": "0",
      "rx-ip4": "172716",
      "rx-ip6": "0",
      "tx-bytes": "10376136",
      "tx-packets": "173022",
      "tx-unicast-bytes": "780",
      "tx-unicast-packets": "13",
      "tx-multicast-bytes": "0",
      "tx-multicast-packets": "0",
      "tx-broadcast-bytes": "0",
      "tx-broadcast-packets": "0",
      "rx-error": "0",
      "tx-error": "0",
      "drop": "300",
      "punt": "0",
      "rx-miss": "0",
      "rx-no-buffer": "0",
      "rx-bits-average": "8880",
      "rx-packets-average": "18",
      "tx-bits-average": "8875",
      "tx-packets-average": "18"