VPF Monitoring

This document covers topics related to monitoring VPF itself as well as using VPF for monitoring traffic passing through TNSR.


There are several show commands to view various aspects of the VPF configuration and state.

show vpf filter ruleset [<name>]:

Prints the contents of VPF filter rulesets, optionally limited to a single filter ruleset by name.

show vpf ipfix:

Prints the current status of IPFIX in VPF (e.g. enabled or disabled).

show vpf nat ruleset [<name>]:

Prints the contents of VPF NAT rulesets, optionally limited to a single NAT ruleset by name.

show vpf options interfaces:

Prints a list of interfaces attached to VPF and the rulesets associated with those interfaces.

show vpf options runtime:

Prints the VPF runtime options and their current values.

show vpf options startup:

Prints the VPF startup options and their current values.

show vpf status:

Prints the current status of VPF itself (e.g. enabled or disabled).

show vpf table [<name>]:

Prints the current contents of VPF Tables, optionally limited to a single table by name.


VPF can send session data, including NAT translations, via IPFIX. See IPFIX Exporter and VPF NAT IPFIX Logging for details.