Connect to the InstanceΒΆ

The TNSR instance does not have a default password. SSH connections to this instance require key-based authentication using an SSH key selected when launching the instance.

The default account is named tnsr.

The Management interface Public IP can be discovered from the Azure CLI by running:

$ az network public-ip show \
    -n TNSR-MGMT-IP \
    -g TNSR-Resource-Group \
    --query "{ipAddress:ipAddress}" \
    --output tsv

To connect from a shell prompt in a Unix/Linux terminal, type the following:

$ ssh -i <my_key_file> tnsr@<MGMT_public_ip_addr>

Substitute the actual key file name instead of typing <my_key_file> and the management interface Public IP Address instead of typing <mgmt_public_ip_addr>.

The ssh client will print a warning similar to:

The authenticity of host 'x.x.x.x' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:6/LDXVPpD2v6hnWdFHFWZhkCbSpMcaH4tBgTuDLAa40.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

This warning only appears the first time connecting using SSH on a given system and user account. Type yes to continue connecting.

If all went well, the TNSR CLI will automatically be launched, resulting in output similar to the following:

Netgate TNSR
Version: tnsr-v19.02.1-2
Build timestamp: Mon Apr  8 15:16:48 2019 CDT
Git Commit: 0x8b47d140

This TNSR instance is not configured for package updates.
For information see

TNSR-Instance1 tnsr#