
This is the documentation for the 22.06 version. Looking for the documentation of the latest version? Have a look here.

WireGuard Status

To view the status of one or more WireGuard tunnels, use the show wireguard [<instance>] command. This command prints the status of all WireGuard tunnels and can optionally limit the output to a specific instance.

WireGuard Status Examples

View all WireGuard tunnels:

tnsr# show wireguard

Interface: wg1
    Instance: 1
    Description: WireGuard P2P - R1-R2
    Source address:
    Port: 51820
    Public  key: K/l2cD3PCCioSnerIe7tOSAqyRQ8dB1LAoeiJqn0uiY=
    Private key: IPbehUo58KvYl/qmA+50bAaWeXgB+eP+8QqmDkLV9XA=
    Peer ID: 1
        Description: R2
        Endpoint IP:
        Port: 51820
        Flags: 0x2 ESTABLISHED
        Public key: kIGM3jon1y43ZiCh9YryxNNfda/Qh5d1aBHSfKZbYTA=

Interface: wg2
    Instance: 2
    Description: WireGuard P2P - R1-R3
    Source address:
    Port: 51821
    Public  key: o5dG8Wy4gsc4bmzF+h4DIO/rNHQHjSjsbw1sM2JghQc=
    Private key: WOy604Y5RemUbsWz7kayXZhZfPhlzobZMu9MxeNBL1k=
    Peer ID: 2
        Description: R3
        Endpoint IP:
        Port: 51821
        Flags: 0x2 ESTABLISHED
        Public key: qSXl+mo80nOiIi+La5dkJhV5B1bVJlzqK3rvPlUBb1Q=

View a specific WireGuard tunnel:

tnsr# show wireguard 2

Interface: wg2
    Instance: 2
    Description: WireGuard P2P - R1-R3
    Source address:
    Port: 51821
    Public  key: o5dG8Wy4gsc4bmzF+h4DIO/rNHQHjSjsbw1sM2JghQc=
    Private key: WOy604Y5RemUbsWz7kayXZhZfPhlzobZMu9MxeNBL1k=
    Peer ID: 2
        Description: R3
        Endpoint IP:
        Port: 51821
        Flags: 0x2 ESTABLISHED
        Public key: qSXl+mo80nOiIi+La5dkJhV5B1bVJlzqK3rvPlUBb1Q=