
This is the documentation for the 20.08 version. Looking for the documentation of the latest version? Have a look here.


Errors returned by the TNSR RESTCONF API may come from either the HTTP Server or API Endpoints. This page covers common errors and their resolutions.

Unsupported Media Type

Error returned by the HTTP server (nginx) when the client did not submit a proper content type with a PUT or PATCH request (e.g. Content-Type: application/yang-data+json)

api-path keys do not match data keys

Error returned by the API when a client attempted a PUT or PATCH operation without fully qualifying the target. For example, the client tried to PATCH but the submitted data did not contain enough information to uniquely identify a target.

Instance does not exist

Error returned by the API when a client requests an entry from a valid area but where a specific entry does not exist.

Unknown element

Error returned by the API when a client requests data from an invalid container.

‘<name>’: Expected prefix:name

Error returned by the API when a RESTCONF URL does not include the namespace prefix.

No such yang module prefix

Error returned by the API when the module name (e.g. netgate:<something>) does not exist.

Not Found

Error returned by the HTTP server when the URL does not exist. For example, if the client intended to use the API but requested a URL that did not start with /restconf/data/.