
This is the documentation for the 20.02 version. Looking for the documentation of the latest version? Have a look here.

Edge Router Speaking eBGP with Static Redistribution for IPv4 And IPv6

Use Case

Especially in cases where an enterprise is multi-homed with it’s own block of network addresses, it may become necessary to configure dynamic routing between network service providers. This is accomplished by use of external BGP (eBGP).

In this use case, the enterprise will use TNSR to speak eBGP with two network service providers, in order to exchange routes which may be redistributed from static/connected routing.

Example Scenario

In this example, the enterprise using TNSR will have a fictitious autonomous system number (ASN) of 65505. The network service providers in this example will have ASNs of 65510 and 65520. The enterprise using TNSR will redistribute a single /24 network from static into BGP. That network will then be advertised to each of the service providers. The service providers will announce a full routing table to the TNSR instance.

Scenario Topology


TNSR BGP Router (IPv4)


TNSR BGP Router (IPv6)

BGP Router Setup Parameters



TNSR Autonomous System Number


ISP_A Autonomous System Number


ISP_B Autonomous System Number


IPv4 Network to be announced

IPv6 Network to be announced


TNSR to ISP_A IPv4 Network Address

TNSR to ISP_A IPv6 Global Address


TNSR to ISP_B IPv4 Network Address

TNSR to ISP_B IPv6 Global Address


TNSR Configuration Steps

Step 1: Configure Interfaces

tnsr# conf
tnsr(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/13/0
tnsr(config-interface)# description "To ISP A"
tnsr(config-interface)# ip address
tnsr(config-interface)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:1000:aaaa::2/64
tnsr(config-interface)# enable
tnsr(config-interface)# exit
tnsr(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/14/0
tnsr(config-interface)# description "To ISP B"
tnsr(config-interface)# ip address
tnsr(config-interface)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:9999:ffff::2/64
tnsr(config-interface)# enable
tnsr(config-interface)# exit

Step 2: Enable BGP

tnsr(config)# route dynamic bgp
tnsr(config-frr-bgp)# enable
tnsr(config-frr-bgp)# exit

Step 3: Create prefix-lists for route export via BGP

tnsr(config)# route dynamic prefix-list EXPORT_IPv4
tnsr(config-prefix-list)# description "IPv4 Routes to Export"
tnsr(config-prefix-list)# seq 10 permit
tnsr(config-prefix-list)# exit
tnsr(config)# route dynamic prefix-list EXPORT_IPv6
tnsr(config-prefix-list)# description "IPv6 Routes to Export"
tnsr(config-prefix-list)# seq 10 permit 2001:db8:a100:1005::/64
tnsr(config-prefix-list)# exit

Step 4: Create static route for networks to be advertised in BGP

tnsr(config)# route ipv4 table ipv4-VRF:0
tnsr(config-route-table-v4)# route
tnsr(config-rttbl4-next-hop)# next-hop 1 via local
tnsr(config-rttbl4-next-hop)# exit
tnsr(config-route-table-v4)# exit
tnsr(config)# route ipv6 table ipv6-VRF:0
tnsr(config-route-table-v6)# route 2001:db8:a100:1005::/64
tnsr(config-rttbl6-next-hop)# next-hop 1 via local
tnsr(config-rttbl6-next-hop)# exit
tnsr(config-route-table-v6)# exit

Step 5: Configure BGP global options

tnsr(config)# route dynamic bgp
tnsr(config-frr-bgp)# server 65505
tnsr(config-bgp)# router-id
tnsr(config-bgp)# address-family ipv4 unicast
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# redistribute kernel
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp)# address-family ipv6 unicast
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# redistribute kernel
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# exit

Step 6: Configure BGP global neighbor options

tnsr(config-bgp)# neighbor
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# remote-as 65510
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# description "ISP_A IPv4"
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# enable
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp)# neighbor 2001:db8:1000:aaaa::1
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# remote-as 65510
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# description "ISP_A IPv6"
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# enable
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp)# neighbor
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# remote-as 65520
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# description "ISP_B IPv4"
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# enable
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp)# neighbor 2001:db8:9999:ffff::1
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# remote-as 65520
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# description "ISP_B IPv6"
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# enable
tnsr(config-bgp-neighbor)# exit

Step 7: Configure BGP neighbor address-family IPv4 unicast options

tnsr(config-bgp)# address-family ipv4 unicast
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# neighbor
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# prefix-list EXPORT_IPv4 out
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# activate
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# neighbor
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# prefix-list EXPORT_IPv4 out
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# activate
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# exit

Step 8: Configure BGP neighbor address-family IPv6 unicast options

tnsr(config-bgp)# address-family ipv6 unicast
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# neighbor 2001:db8:1000:aaaa::1
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# prefix-list EXPORT_IPv6 out
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# activate
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# neighbor 2001:db8:9999:ffff::1
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# prefix-list EXPORT_IPv6 out
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# activate
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni-nbr)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp-ip4uni)# exit
tnsr(config-bgp)# exit
tnsr(config-frr-bgp)# exit

JSON Configuration

  2  "data": {
  3    "bgp-config": {
  4      "global-options": {
  5        "enable": true
  6      },
  7      "routers": {
  8        "router": [
  9          {
 10            "asn": 65505,
 11            "router-id": "",
 12            "address-families": {
 13              "address-family": [
 14                {
 15                  "family": "ipv4",
 16                  "subfamily": "labeled-unicast"
 17                },
 18                {
 19                  "family": "ipv4",
 20                  "subfamily": "multicast"
 21                },
 22                {
 23                  "family": "ipv4",
 24                  "subfamily": "unicast",
 25                  "neighbors": {
 26                    "neighbor": [
 27                      {
 28                        "peer": "",
 29                        "activate": true,
 30                        "prefix-list-out": "EXPORT_IPv4"
 31                      },
 32                      {
 33                        "peer": "",
 34                        "activate": true,
 35                        "prefix-list-out": "EXPORT_IPv4"
 36                      }
 37                    ]
 38                  },
 39                  "redistributions": {
 40                    "named-sources": {
 41                      "route-source": [
 42                        {
 43                          "source": "kernel",
 44                          "present": true
 45                        }
 46                      ]
 47                    }
 48                  }
 49                },
 50                {
 51                  "family": "ipv4",
 52                  "subfamily": "vpn"
 53                },
 54                {
 55                  "family": "ipv6",
 56                  "subfamily": "labeled-unicast"
 57                },
 58                {
 59                  "family": "ipv6",
 60                  "subfamily": "multicast"
 61                },
 62                {
 63                  "family": "ipv6",
 64                  "subfamily": "unicast",
 65                  "neighbors": {
 66                    "neighbor": [
 67                      {
 68                        "peer": "2001:db8:1000:aaaa::1",
 69                        "activate": true,
 70                        "prefix-list-out": "EXPORT_IPv6"
 71                      },
 72                      {
 73                        "peer": "2001:db8:9999:ffff::1",
 74                        "activate": true,
 75                        "prefix-list-out": "EXPORT_IPv6"
 76                      }
 77                    ]
 78                  },
 79                  "redistributions": {
 80                    "named-sources": {
 81                      "route-source": [
 82                        {
 83                          "source": "kernel",
 84                          "present": true
 85                        }
 86                      ]
 87                    }
 88                  }
 89                },
 90                {
 91                  "family": "ipv6",
 92                  "subfamily": "vpn"
 93                },
 94                {
 95                  "family": "l2vpn",
 96                  "subfamily": "evpn"
 97                },
 98                {
 99                  "family": "vpnv4",
100                  "subfamily": "unicast"
101                },
102                {
103                  "family": "vpnv6",
104                  "subfamily": "unicast"
105                }
106              ]
107            },
108            "neighbors": {
109              "neighbor": [
110                {
111                  "peer": "",
112                  "capability-negotiate": true,
113                  "description": "<![CDATA[\"ISP_B IPv4\"]]>",
114                  "interface": "GigabitEthernet0/14/0",
115                  "remote-asn": 65520,
116                  "enable": true
117                },
118                {
119                  "peer": "2001:db8:1000:aaaa::1",
120                  "capability-negotiate": true,
121                  "description": "<![CDATA[\"ISP_A IPv6\"]]>",
122                  "interface": "GigabitEthernet0/13/0",
123                  "remote-asn": 65510,
124                  "enable": true
125                },
126                {
127                  "peer": "2001:db8:9999:ffff::1",
128                  "capability-negotiate": true,
129                  "description": "<![CDATA[\"ISP_B IPv6\"]]>",
130                  "interface": "GigabitEthernet0/14/0",
131                  "remote-asn": 65520,
132                  "enable": true
133                },
134                {
135                  "peer": "",
136                  "capability-negotiate": true,
137                  "description": "<![CDATA[\"ISP_A IPv4\"]]>",
138                  "interface": "GigabitEthernet0/13/0",
139                  "remote-asn": 65510,
140                  "enable": true
141                }
142              ]
143            }
144          }
145        ]
146      }
147    },
148    "interfaces-config": {
149      "interface": [
150        {
151          "name": "GigabitEthernet0/13/0",
152          "description": "<![CDATA[\"To ISP A\"]]>",
153          "enabled": true,
154          "ipv4": {
155            "enabled": true,
156            "forwarding": false,
157            "address": {
158              "ip": ""
159            }
160          },
161          "ipv6": {
162            "enabled": true,
163            "forwarding": false,
164            "address": {
165              "ip": "2001:db8:1000:aaaa::2/64"
166            }
167          }
168        },
169        {
170          "name": "GigabitEthernet0/14/0",
171          "description": "<![CDATA[\"To ISP B\"]]>",
172          "enabled": true,
173          "ipv4": {
174            "enabled": true,
175            "forwarding": false,
176            "address": {
177              "ip": ""
178            }
179          },
180          "ipv6": {
181            "enabled": true,
182            "forwarding": false,
183            "address": {
184              "ip": "2001:db8:9999:ffff::2/64"
185            }
186          }
187        },
188        {
189          "name": "GigabitEthernet0/15/0",
190          "enabled": true,
191          "ipv4": {
192            "enabled": true,
193            "forwarding": false,
194            "address": {
195              "ip": ""
196            }
197          }
198        }
199      ]
200    },
201    "http-config": {
202      "restconf": {
203        "enable": true
204      },
205      "authentication": {
206        "auth-type": "none"
207      }
208    },
209    "prefix-list-config": {
210      "prefix-lists": {
211        "list": [
212          {
213            "name": "EXPORT_IPv4",
214            "description": "<![CDATA[\"IPv4 Routes to Export\"]]>",
215            "rules": {
216              "rule": [
217                {
218                  "sequence": 10,
219                  "action": "permit",
220                  "prefix": ""
221                }
222              ]
223            }
224          },
225          {
226            "name": "EXPORT_IPv6",
227            "description": "<![CDATA[\"IPv6 Routes to Export\"]]>",
228            "rules": {
229              "rule": [
230                {
231                  "sequence": 10,
232                  "action": "permit",
233                  "prefix": "2001:db8:a100:1005::/64"
234                }
235              ]
236            }
237          }
238        ]
239      }
240    },
241    "route-table-config": {
242      "static-routes": {
243        "route-table": [
244          {
245            "name": "ipv4-VRF:0",
246            "address-family": "ipv4",
247            "ipv4-routes": {
248              "route": [
249                {
250                  "destination-prefix": "",
251                  "next-hop": {
252                    "hop": [
253                      {
254                        "hop-id": 1,
255                        "local": true
256                      }
257                    ]
258                  }
259                }
260              ]
261            }
262          },
263          {
264            "name": "ipv6-VRF:0",
265            "address-family": "ipv6",
266            "ipv6-routes": {
267              "route": [
268                {
269                  "destination-prefix": "2001:db8:a100:1005::/64",
270                  "next-hop": {
271                    "hop": [
272                      {
273                        "hop-id": 1,
274                        "local": true
275                      }
276                    ]
277                  }
278                }
279              ]
280            }
281          }
282        ]
283      }
284    }
285  }