
This is the documentation for the 20.02 version. Looking for the documentation of the latest version? Have a look here.

Basic System InformationΒΆ

The TNSR CLI can set several basic elements about the system itself, which also serves as a good introduction to making changes on TNSR. These settings are made in config mode.


These values are also propagated to SNMP, if configured. See Simple Network Management Protocol for information on setting up SNMP.

The following parameters are available:

system contact <text>:

System contact information, such as an e-mail address or telephone number (sysContact in SNMP).

system description <text>:

A brief description of this TNSR instance, for example its role or other identifying information (sysDescr in SNMP).

system location <text>:

The location of this TNSR instance, for example a physical location such as a building name, room number, rack number/position, or VM host (sysLocation in SNMP).

system name <text>:

The hostname of this TNSR instance (sysName in SNMP).


This setting also changes the hostname in the host operating system to match, replacing any previously configured hostname.

This example shows how to set the above parameters, starting from master mode:

gw tnsr# configure
gw tnsr(config)# system contact support@example.com
gw tnsr(config)# system description TNSR Lab Router
gw tnsr(config)# system location HQ MDF/Rack 2 Top
gw tnsr(config)# system name labrtr01
labrtr01 tnsr(config)# exit

To view the values of these parameters, along with uptime and memory usage, use the show system command from either master or config mode:

labrtr01 tnsr# show system
    description: TNSR Lab Router
    contact: support@example.com
    name: labrtr01
    location: HQ MDF/Rack 2 Top
System Parameters:
    uptime: 1303615 seconds
    total-ram: 8004488 KiB
    free-ram: 3236820 KiB
    total-swap: 2932732 KiB
    free-swap: 2932732 KiB

    os-name: Linux
    os-release: 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64
    os-version: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
    machine: x86_64

    product-vendor: Netgate
    product-name: TNSR
    product-model: x
    product-serial: 0