
This is the documentation for the 19.12 version. Looking for the documentation of the latest version? Have a look here.

IP Reassembly OptionsΒΆ

The fragment reassembly behavior in TNSR can be fine-tuned globally using the commands under ip reassembly <name> <value> for IPv4 and ipv6 reassembly <name> <value> for IPv6:

expire-walk-interval <expire-walk-interval-ms>

The interval, in milliseconds, at which TNSR will check for fragments to expire. Decreasing this will consume more CPU time but will allow TNSR to be more proactive in cleaning up expired fragments. Increasing this will allow expired fragments to be held longer, but may be more likely to overrun the value of max-reassemblies. Default value is 10000 (10 seconds).

max-reassemblies <max>

The maximum number of active reassemblies TNSR will maintain at any given time. Increasing this value will consume more resources, but it will also allow TNSR to reassemble a greater number of fragments at a time. Default value is 1024.

timeout <timeout-ms>

The timeout value, in milliseconds, after which TNSR will consider a reassembly attempt expired. Increasing this value will cause fragments to be held longer waiting on the remaining pieces, which means they are more likely to be successfully reassembled on slower networks, at the cost of consuming more resources. Default value is 100 milliseconds. When this value is increased, the max-reassemblies value may also need increased to accommodate the higher volume of fragments that TNSR will need to hold.

IP reassembly may then be enabled on a per-interface basis using the ip reassembly (IPv4) or ipv6 reassembly (IPv6) commands from within config-interface mode. To disable IP reassembly on an interface, use no ip reassembly (IPv4) or no ipv6 reassembly (IPv6) from within config-interface mode.