pfSense® Plus Software Registration

The pfSense Plus Software Registration page is located at System > Register. This page activates features in pfSense Plus software installations on hardware and virtual machines not purchased from Netgate. The page also activates older Netgate® hardware purchased with Factory Edition (FE) pfSense software before the Netgate Device ID (NDI) was introduced.

The registration process requires an activation token supplied by Netgate. This token is generated when purchasing pfSense Plus software or via Netgate TAC for older Netgate hardware.

For more information about pfSense Plus software, or to purchase pfSense Plus software, visit Netgate Store.


Registration is free for hardware purchased from Netgate with pfSense Plus software or the older Factory Edition of pfSense software. Most hardware is pre-registered and does not require activation. To activate hardware which is not automatically recognized, submit a request to Netgate TAC along with the serial number and NDI for the device at The serial number and NDI are displayed on the dashboard in the System Information widget, and may also be on a sticker located on the bottom of the device.

The current registration status is shown on the dashboard in the Netgate Services and Support widget, and is also indicated on System > Register.

The text on the registration page varies depending on the current registration status and availability. The page also displays errors encountered during the activation process, such as not being able to contact the registration server.

Registration Process

To register an installation of pfSense Plus software with Netgate:

  • Obtain a pfSense Plus software activation token from Netgate

  • Navigate to System > Register on the firewall

  • Enter the Activation Token

  • Click Register